Saturday, April 11, 2009


Each time I receive a letter from H0B, I was hoping for good news. But nope, all these letters would say the same ol' things "Your application have been cancelled". That's the first thing I would really want to hear after a long day at work. *tsk tsk*

After waiting for almost 2 months, we have finally received the H0B's invitation to select an unit. But the sharing of this good news wasn't quite the same as what I would have expected. There was no jumping around, any 'WooHOO!', no fireworks. All I had was unanswered calls to Gerrie. Lol.

Don't get me wrong, we are both excited about the coming date with H0B. After all, this is going to be our very first home. =)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wedding Band

We have been shopping for our wedding bands for quite sometime already. From Tiffany, SooKee, Goldheart, Lee Hwa to Love & Co. Finally decided which band we would like.

But decided to wait till we pay for the option fee for our unit.

Gerrie has been asking if H0B has sent us the letter.
